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Science & Spirituality |
Today there is a growing concern in the world about ever increasing pollution of the environment. These include air pollution by vehicles and industries, water pollution by industrial waste and residential sewage, soil pollution by industrial waste and sewage, and dumping of garbage, radiation pollution by leakage from nuclear plants, noise pollution by supersonic air jets and heavy engineering units, etc.
However, the most significant pollution, which is the seed of all other types of pollution, is mental pollution. Every verbal directive and physical action is essentially preceded by thoughts originating in the mind. A polluted mind conceives polluted thoughts, which are then translated into polluted and contaminated words and actions. Negative influence of the vices, and in particular, sex-lust have led to an unprecedented rise in the global population. To sustain such a progressively multiplying population, more and more commodities are required. Besides essential commodities the demand for non-essential commodities is also on the increase, that too merely to satisfy requirements of luxury of the populace. These call for more and more industries, which in turn increasingly contribute to the pollution of the atmosphere, to the ultimate detriment of humanity at large.
Thoughts about committing violence, consuming alcohol, smoking tobacco, ingesting non-vegetarian food and taking drugs, like other thoughts, first originate in the MIND, are then accepted by the INTELLECT and when translated into action, get recorded as RESOLVES, thus gradually polluting the soul. When such thoughts are translated into actions, the physical body also gets polluted owing to indulgence in impure actions. Since the soul is in direct contact with the physical body, the material body is influenced by the impurity of the soul and also becomes impure, leading to various disorders and malfunctions. Similarly the physical body is in direct contact with the environment and constantly interacts with the five elements of nature though the constant process of ingestion and egestion. After a prolonged period of time this process gradually pollutes the external environment. Mental pollution therefore, pollutes the environment directly through the physical body, and also indirectly through the projection of negative thought vibrations.
Ultimately mental pollution weakens the mind and intellect as well as the physical body. In turn, this has a detrimental effect on the environment, which in turn influences the human mind more adversely, leading to an overall vicious circle. This vicious circle can only be broken by tackling the problem at the mental level, and purifying the mind of all its polluted thoughts.
Recent investigative studies in special branch of science have revealed that every individual emits an aura of very subtle light, surrounding the physical body, which is chiefly governed by the existing mental state of the particular individual. If the thoughts of an individual are constantly positive and constructive, and the mind is calm, peaceful, serene, loveful and blissful, then the resulting aura is said to be of lighter hues, with clear cut and well defined boundaries. The more powerful the emanations from an individual, the greater is the intensity of the aura. Attempts have been made to photograph these auras with a technique known as 'Kirlian Photography', with encouraging results. If the thoughts of an individual are constantly negative, depressing and destructive, and the mind is full of tension, worry, anxiety, and sorrow, then the resulting aura is likely to be of darker hues, with less clearly defined and hazy boundaries. In addition, tension or stress badly affects the body and causes many psychosomatic diseases, such as high blood pressure, asthma, peptic ulcer, insomnia, heart diseases and even cancer.
The types of thoughts occupying the mind determine the mental state of the individual. These mental thought vibrations are constantly being projected into the environment surrounding the individual. Any other individual coming in close proximity of such emanations is also influenced positively or negatively by them, since similar thought processes tend to be stimulated in the latters mind, particularly if the latter has a weaker personality than the former. Thus it can be said that the quality of our thoughts determine the environment.
The word 'Nature' can be defined in two ways: first the elemental or Mother Nature- the five elements of Nature and secondly the Human Nature ( the Mind and the intellect ). The cardinal question arising in most minds is: Can man ever control Mother Nature? God Shiva says YES--- IT IS POSSIBLE TO CONTROL MOTHER NATURE IF THE MIND AND INTELLECT (SOUL) IS PURE.
It is always said Mind over Matter never matter over mind. The following explanation will prove that in the near future(golden age) it will be possible to control Nature.
The Mind is the ve(destructive) energy of the soul which is always attached to the sensual and materialistic pleasures of the world. Birth after birth it has overpowered the intellect which is the +ve energy of the soul. This ve energy(mind) of the soul (Atma) directly affects the ve electron of Atom (Matter), which in turn vibrates in a irregular and erratic fashion around the nucleusdisturbing its equilibrium and resulting in natural Calamities from time to time. Thus the vagaries and fickleness of the mind are directly reflected in the vagaries of nature. When the ve mind and the +ve intellect balance each other and the equilibrium is restoredthen the soul becomes Divine and in turn Nature also becomes Divine. This equilibrium is known as soul-consciousness which exists in Golden and silver age where human beings and nature both are divine and Natural Calamities & death are non-existent. This equilibrium between mind and intellect can be achieved only by Godly knowledge & Rajyoga Meditation in the Confluence Age only. (" The Mind in itself is the greatest power on this earth, for it can make a Hell out of Heaven & Heaven out of Hell").
The above simple equation of Mind over Matter can answer most of the complex questions, regarding Man and his relationship with Nature, which have baffled mankind for centuries.( Behind every Complexity is Simplicity ).