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between Philosophy and Truth. |
Philosophy : In simple terms it means my viewpoint or my opinion and in broader terms (religious and spiritual parlance) it indicates the teachings of a great enlightened soul, which are accepted, practiced and preached by a group of people. In scientific talk, instead of the word philosophy, the words hypothesis and theories are postulated by the scientific community to explain something hitherto unknown. Whenever the word philosophy is used by any sect of people, whether religious, spiritual or scientific, it implies only one thing " that we do not know the truth but this is what we presume and believe." (due to lack of knowledge of the absolute Truth). So in short, any philosophy is only an attempt or a means to find out the Final Truth---and by itself it is not the Final Truth.
The following analogy will help one to understand it more clearly.
Let us assume that in the darkest hour of the night, a group of people, who never had the glimpse of the sun, are discussing about the brilliance of the sun and the light emanating from it. Some say that the sun is so brilliant that it can light up the whole neighbourhood ; others say that it can light up the whole city ; while still others say that it can light up the whole state. Each of them is right in his own way but they are all far from the whole truth. They do not have any idea of the brilliance of the sun unless they see it with their own eyes. They can only postulate various theories and hypothesis about the suns brilliancebut they are still far from the Final truth, which dawns upon them only the next morning. Similarly, today the whole world is passing thru the darkest hour of the night (kaliyug--the night of ignorance) and due to the lack of true Godly knowledge, the religionists and the scientists have formulated various 'philosophies' and 'hypothesis' to explain the mysteries of life, the creation of our universe and the 'How and Why' of the nature of things as they exist today. Very often these 'Philosophies' and 'hypothesis' are modified and altered with the passage of time and according to the intellect of the people, but we still remain very far from the Absolute Truth. So what is the Absolute truth and who can give us this knowledge. The absolute truth is that there are 3 eternal imperishable entities in this universe viz. THE SUPREME SOUL----THE HUMAN SOULS----AND MATTER, which were neither created at any point in the past, nor they will they be destroyed at any point in the futureand this whole world drama is an interplay of these 3 forces which occurs repeatedly after every 5000 years. At present this knowledge is being given to human beings by the Supreme soul Shiva himself thru the medium of Prajapita (Adam). The Godly knowledge given on this web-site is not the imagination of any human soul but very earnestly it is the word of God --The Supreme Soul Himself. Let the readers judge for themselves.
To sum up, we can say that philosophy is just a means or an attempt of finding the truth but not the final truth itselfand when the final truth dawns upon mankind it ceases to be a philosophy. In any philosophy or hypothesis there is plenty of room for exaggeration and speculation but once the final truth is reached, all speculation is put to rest. Truth is Truth is Truth.
Truth Accurately
Reports The Time cycle :
Truth tells what
actually happened in the Past--Events happening in the
present--and Events destined to happen in the future. Myths, speculations
and possibilities are not truth.
Truth Agrees with All
Reality :
True facts agree with
true evidence, true natural laws and true scientific principles.
Truth agrees in Event, Sequence, Time-frame, Method and Meaning.
Truth Agrees and
Integrates with All that is true in all Subjects of the world :
Truth through all
channels (history, geography, science, religion, spirituality and
the paranormal) will agree. Truth in physical and spiritual
dimensions agree.
Truth Is always
Singular--It can never be plural :
Only one view can be
true. Beginnings happened only once, in one way, one time frame,
one sequence. All other views mislead, regardless of how clever
they sound.
Truth is Not
Discerned by Popularity :
... let God be found
true, though every man be found a liar"
Truth Sought
Increases Peace and Harmony :
Truth denied,
suppressed or mocked brings argument.
Truth is Eternal and
Never Changes :
Nothing can be added
to or substracted from Truth. It never needs updating or
Truth is Powerful and
yet so Strange :
There is nothing so
powerful as truth, and often nothing so strange.