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Law of Karma-(Action) |
Karma or Action is the activity of the soul through body both on the physical and mental planes. The type of Karma performed by an individual is an index of his character. It is Karma which make a man great or small, noble or criminal.
Man has found it very difficult to exactly classify what action is right and what is wrong. Throughout history, definition of right and wrong has been changing. Within the same period of history, different cultures and different religious come up with different definitions and classifications. Even within the same religion, people of different generations will have different view of right and wrong and even if one does not consider the external situation at all but looks within, one finds that his own understanding fluctuates a great deal. In childhood, ones understanding of right and wrong was on one level, in adolescence it changes, in maturity it has changed yet again.
Fortunately, at the present time of the most auspicious Confluence age (Sangam Yuga), the Law of Karma ie. Law of Action and Reaction has been explained most clearly by the Supreme Father God Shiva-- the Creator and Director of this imperishable World Drama-- the One who is ever pure, beyond birth and death and therefore, is ever outside the gambit of the Law of Karma.
Through His Corporeal medium of Brahma, God Shiva has defined three specific types of actions:
Just as we can understand Newtons Law of Motion for the physical universe: That to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; in the same way, the Law of Karma, applicable to the spiritual universe indicates that : To every action there will be equal and opposite reaction; which means that if we give happiness, we will receive happiness in return & if we give sorrow, we will receive sorrow in return. This may also be called the Law of Cause and Effect. It is often said, "As you sow, so shall you reap" or "if you sow thorns, you cannot harvest corns". The law of Karma is indisputable. No soul is above the law of Karma. Only God Father Shiva is above this Law because He is above all Karmic Bondage. No one in the physical world can live without Karma (action).
The real question now is not simply to understand the theory of Karma but to become concerned that
God Shiva has given us a very simple touchstone by which we can immediately analyze an action to see whether it is pure or impure. He reveals that impure Karma is the result of a consciousness, which is locked to this physical body-known as body-consciousness. This means if one thinks of himself as a physical being man or woman, young or old, Hindu or Muslim, black and White ones actions are going to be influenced by these features. There will certainly be the influence of one or another of the five vicesnamely sex-lust, anger, greed attachment and ego etc. as a result of which, there will be impure action and we will find ourselves in the trap of sorrow.
--With the understanding of the knowledge of Karma and the link with the Supreme Soul, one is able to ensure that there is no further wrong action or sin, and no negative Karmic accounts are being increased.
--With the fire of Raj-Yoga Meditation, one is able to annul the past negative karmas that have been gathered through so many births.
--With the power of Godly knowledge and Remembrance of the Supreme, it is now possible to perform such pure Karma that there is the guarantee that our future births will have lasting purity, health, wealth and happiness. It is now possible to perform actions in the highest consciousness of the self and the Supreme Soul, which brings happiness to the self and also to others.
Nishkam Karma or Selfless Action as it is called is considered to be an action which is performed without any expectation of its fruits or reward whatsoever. According to the law of Karma every good action automatically results in a positive fruit for its performer irrespective of whether he desires it or not. As such truly speaking, there is no such thing as Nishkam Karma so far as human beings are concerned. In reality, the Divine Acts of the Incorporeal God Father Shiva alone can be termed as Nishkam Karma because He is outside the gambit Law of Karma and does not have even a body of His own. The knowledge that good action brings good result (or vice-versa) gives encouragement to a person to do more goodhowever care must be taken to see that one does not develop ego for his good deeds. For this, Shiva Baba has directed that all actions should be performed in a spirit of trustee-ship by considering one-self to be merely instrumental. A true Karma Yogi performs highest form of Karma by remaining in a state of soul-consciousness and God-consciousness.
The Law of Karma, as now revealed by God Shiva, makes one totally responsible for ones own situation. The soul is its best friend and also its own worst enemy depending upon the type of Karma's it performs. We are the masters of our own Fate and we can make or mar our destiny as per the Karma we perform.